Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Not much to say

But I had to post today in order to use this quote:

"God - the quicker picker upper."


Melda said...

YAY! It's me, I said something funny!

*is very happy*


Quizzing Nerd said...

Could I get some context, Erin? It almost sounds irreverant just like that, but I'm sure it wasn't meant to be degrading to God. :P

Anonymous said...

Amy: You really do that quite often, I don't know why you're so excited...

Josh: It's not, not at all. There's this girl at youth who goes to a Catholic school, and she said that for religion class, they had to find popular slogans and see how they related to God, and so we were coming up with a bunch of off-the-cuff ones and Amy said "God - the quicker-picker-upper" which absolutely cracked me up because it's so true and it would satisfy the requirements of the assignment quite nicely. Context enough?

Quizzing Nerd said...

Much better. :) And it is amusing. And it would have been even funnier if I had heard it in person.