Thursday, May 3, 2007

Quiz Meet!

I'm so excited... I love quiz meets, especially the finals, and I'm in high school now so I can stay out later on Saturday and wow. I'm so excited. So this week seems to be dragging on forever, but one more day, I can do it!

I'm in computer class right now trying to figure out a topic to do my powerpoint presentation on. I have no idea. It's supposed to be interesting; we have to present it to the class so I don't want to be totally lame. Any suggestions? Please?

Edit: oh dear, forgot a quote! *tears*
"ah, I love Susie."
"Um, I think it was Grace..."


Quizzing Nerd said...

What pictures are avalible to you?

Anonymous said...

anything i want, just find the pictures on the internet. i need to have a topic within the next half hour and i'm still clueless...

Quizzing Nerd said...

Costa Rica? ;)

Anonymous said...

oh wow, did you put that comment on before or after i made that post? because i promise you, i just saw this and i already decided i was doing costa rica...

Anonymous said...

judging by the times, after. never mind.

Quizzing Nerd said...

After. That was a somewhat lame attempt at a joke. Hence the winky thing.