Thursday, November 1, 2007


Is over, with nary a blog post (of mine) to be found.

That's almost impressive.

But I've been ridiculously busy. Life's been hectic, but in the best way possible. As I believe I've mentioned, I joined the tech crew for my school and have been given the job of head props person for the school play. This excites me quite greatly - I actualy have a real job, of real importance. I'm in charge of figuring out what props are needed and finding them for each of the scenes. This means not just props mentioned in the script (like the ticket for a police officer to write), but also things like backpacks in a school scene that simply contribute to the realism of the situation. So I'm pretty pumped for that.

Hmm, what else... well, again on the tech stream, tomorrow is my school's pep rally, which means that I'm missing a whack of classes today and tomorrow to work on that. I think for the pep rally, since there aren't props involved, what I'm doing is running back and forth between lights and sound so they each know what each other is doing, since our headsets aren't working. yay.

But really, I don't have much else to say. So much has gone on in the last 5 weeks that posting about it would be almost pointless, if you know what I mean. But I'll try to post a bit more often so that my, what, two readers? can know what I'm up to. Hehe.


"Thanks to that mix up, there is now one man in the world who is VERY scared of me..."