Sunday, June 3, 2007

The week the world ends

Maybe a little dramatic, but it really does feel like everything's ending this week. We had the last Sunday School today in which the youth ran a penny carnival for all the young 'uns... that was definitely really fun. Sunday School ending doesn't have much of an effect on me, being that we quizzers don't really go to Sunday School, but it was still a very large measure of finality.

My last Tuesday night youth until next year is on Tuesday (well, no duh erin... no, the last Tuesday night youth is on Wednesday...) but yeah, anyway, Bible study is ending which is... well, disappointing, to say the least. It's done so much for me, every Tuesday I leave feeling so empowered and then I start to screw up and trip and stumble, and I hit bottom late on Monday or Tuesday morning, just in time to be built up again that night. I have no idea what I'll do without that, but I guess I'll manage. Somehow.

But even before that, Tuesday afternoon is my last piano lesson. Ever. I'm quitting after my exam (in 10 days... oh gosh...) but yeah. I did some calculations last night, and I've taken piano for 9 years now. That means 9 Christmas recitals, 9 pizza parties (although I didn't make it to all of them,) 18 formal recitals, and countless spring recitals, Halloween recitals, and exam recitals.

More than that, it means that at 36 lessons a year, I've had 324 lessons, spent 324 weeks practicing my butt off (well, most of those weeks I actually worked hard... hehe) to impress the teacher. My first 3 years of lessons I had 30 minute classes; the next 4 years were 45 minutes, and the past 2 years have been 60 minute lessons, so that makes a grand total over the years of 14 040 minutes spent in piano lessons. That converts to 234 hours, or 9.75 days, spent IN the lesson. This is not taking into account time spent practicing or at recitals.
That's a giant chunk of time. I mean, think about it. I can't believe it, I can't believe I'm just stopping now... but I am, and I mean, I'll still play for fun and stuff, but yeah, it just seems so huge all spelled out like that.

So yeah, that's piano, and then the last Friday night youth is on Saturday... (oh! gotcha there, didn't I! no, it's on Friday, of course.) I know it will definitely be a ton of fun, but still, after that... it's over, just like that, and I will go from seeing my wonderful youth friends 3 times a week to once a week, and that will stink, considering that they're the best friends I have (most of them are, anyways... no comment on the rest.)

And yeah. The world ends this week and I don't know what I'll do with myself after. I've heard twiddling thumbs is fun.


"It says... non... perfumed..."

EDIT just for Amy: If this is the week the world ends, I suppose you could say... I'm "At World's End?"

1 comment:

Melda said...

Aw, I feel special, I got a special edit :) And yes, you totally could! At World's End indeed. Wow, life is going to feel so empty without youth :( I'll hang around on Tuesday and Friday nights feeling
